Luliana: Boba and Boston

Luliana stepped out of the classroom, her head bowed in shame. Her fellow troublemakers jostled past her, mocking and poking. Leaning against the wall, Luliana recognised the trainers. Boston has the same scuff marks on his trainers. The micro tear to the edge of his jeans, she memorised it all. Luliana lifted her head to see the promised illusion. Boston smiled, pushing himself off the wall, his hands still in his pockets. She never pictured him as coy, but he stumbled over his words. Butterflies filled her stomach. He waited for her, realising he did not have her phone number. Boston shrugged, appearing uncertain of her interest in him. She cast her eyes downward, wondering if he noted her flushed cheeks. 

They walked to the park close to the school. The lure of Boba tea held a comfort for Luliana and an opportunity to know Boston. Besides the way she saw it, this was her rebellious phase. She received detention for daydreaming and was now hanging out with a boy her father did not know. Patrick would approve of Boston, but she liked to pretend. It was her love story. She could be Juliette, and Boston was the boy from the wrong side of the tracks. He was a city native, who had attended San Myshuno high. They expelled him for fighting, so now he lived with his grandparents in Newcrest. Boston upheld it was self-defence against a couple of bullies. Luliana believed him. Boston had a soft nature and kind eyes. 

Luliana realised she had been talking non-stop since they left school. Her conversation revolved around the school day. The occasional, less subtle mentions of being on the prom committee. Boston slurped the remaining bubbles from the bottom of the plastic cup. The boba came with a plastic film, which made a satisfying pop when the straw pushed through. Luliana enjoyed brown sugar Boba, having a sweet tooth. It had a decadent flavour, rich and creamy. The tapioca balls gave an extra molasses kick, which Luliana always asked for extra. Boston shared this love for all things sweet. Yet, he preferred a balanced approach to his boba in the form of Black milk tea. It still held the creamy texture but felt less like a dessert.

Luliana sucked, her eyes bulging as the bubbles got stuck, blocking the straw. Boston filled in the sudden silence she had made. He liked that she had so much to say, wondering if Luliana would be so chatty if she had siblings to share her life with. The bubbles freed themselves, firing at her throat and breaking on impact. She choked on the sickly texture, her eyes watering. Boston leapt to his feet, patting and rubbing her back, yelling to the server for a glass of water. 

Boston sat, confused, as the name Daciana choked from Luliana’s lips. She told a few people that she was a twin. There was, in human society, the belief one twin was born with good intentions, the other with bad. Daciana was the darkness, with brown hair and the potential to scare people. She was home-schooled, which made her antisocial. Boston nodded, relieved he was lucky to sit with the better half of a linked pair. She shrugged, no matter what, they were sisters. Luliana believed that the bond outweighed everything else they would experience in this world. Whether it was good or bad, they were opposite sides of the same coin.



Boston and Luliana:

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