Daciana: Sobering

Daciana wanted to crawl into bed. Sink into the comfort of her soft mattress, the blankets pulled around. She imagined the darkness of the room swallowing her. The effect of the alien blood waned over the hours it took to travel home. In her short life, she had known hunger, an unsatisfied feeling that his blood helped to abate. Koa held new levels of pleasure not found in humans. For the time his blood continued to circulate, her cravings ceased. Koa gifted her with a romanticised view of the world. Daciana felt she was looking at him and the starlit ocean through her sister’s eyes. She felt loved and in love with the man she met.

Koa remained a gentleman, refusing to take advantage of Daciana as she snuggled close. Four years her senior, Koa had never seen the effects of his blood on a vampire. It amused him as her arms wrapped tight around his neck, lips kissing close to where they drew blood. Daciana placed his hands on her waist, pouting as they pushed her away. His face relaxed, and a broad smile gave her a warmth and a longing to be close. Koa sat on the blanket, looking at the ocean, relenting his rejection to hold her. Daciana wanted to stay and watch the sunrise in the company of Koa. The flight home prevented Daciana from staying. She left Koa and the fantasy on the beach.

Those memories danced in her mind as she entered the house. Daciana squirmed and cringed at how forward her behaviour was with a stranger. The kindness of his rejection, of a body outside of her control. Was she ugly? Daciana had done her best to emulate the girls in magazines, at least in looks. So what about her made Koa and Layton reject her intentions? Daciana pouted, pulling the wig off and tossing it in the bin. Her brown locks were thick with sweat. She scratched, longing for a shower.
In the forty-eight hours of her absence, Patrick paced. He had not slept, fearing what had become of his daughter. Casimir faced a tirade of insults, accusations and blame. Patrick held him accountable for her absence. The vampire, his calm exterior, aggravated the tense mood of his human companions. Casimir mocked, suggesting they issued a missing persons report. Patrick was ahead of this snide comment. The problem with these reports was they were a fool’s errand. Hypnotic vampires were not so easy to discover unless they wanted to.

Patrick saw her arrival, the outfit she wore like one possessed by Luliana. He understood in a moment how Daciana disguised herself. It scared him, the lengths Daciana would go to feed. Patrick crossed his arms over his chest, a defensive move. He wanted to scold her to assert his position as her father. It would do him no good. Daciana loved him once as a child. The girl in front of him was far from innocent. She was a teenage girl with the ability to drain him of life.

Daciana rolled her eyes, too tired for twenty questions. It was her business where she was and who kept her company. Daciana joked with a half-hearted smile and laugh. They would never find the bodies of her victims as Casimir taught her how to cover her tracks. Daciana felt a tight squeeze around her torso. Her ribs threatened to crack under the growing pressure. Patrick threw up his hands, eyes widened with alarm. Daciana went limp, held by Casimir. He smelled a strange odour on Daciana. The blood in her system would command a deeper thirst. She needed locking in her room until she detoxified.

Casimir scolded Patrick. He was a fool to believe anyone could control Daciana. Death would find her, and their blood would be on his hands. If Patrick refused to listen to reason, to hand her over to the ministry, then Casimir would leave. Despite his growing fear of Daciana, Patrick saw his daughter. He wanted to protect her, not let her become a weapon. Daciana was going to rebel against him and Casimir. They represented authority. Daciana needed to discover who she was by testing them. Patrick knew she could be better, but not if Casimir kept starving her. Casimir clenched his fists. Humans are stubborn creatures. Until Daciana turned eighteen, Casimir and the Ministry had no right to remove her. Patrick needed to relinquish custody of her, a rule Casimir resented. He stared at the floor, and with a deep, menacing growl, he ordered Patrick to leave. The “NOW!” made Patrick flinch. He fled up the stairs, tripping over his feet before launching into the safety of sunlight.

Daciana: https://www.patreon.com/posts/drunk-dialing-88308068?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link

Daciana and Casimir: https://melbennetts4.blogspot.com/2020/02/sims-4-random-pose-requests-3.html

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